Sunday, August 16, 2009

Open the Door continued...

As I stated yesterday......I met Pam on one of my extended stays at the Ronald McDonald house.

Staying at the Ronald McDonald house is a blessing for many parents. It saves a tremendous amount of money and helps me afford the skyrocketing costs of DJ's care. It is however, an environment of people from all backgrounds and beliefs. Not being new to this experience, I usually kept to myself and focused on entertaining DJ to the best of my ability.

There was something tugging at my heart everytime I ran into this woman. Her child was disabled to the point of being frightening, and I didn't want to get involved. I had enough problems. I had already faced so much disappointment from my own "friends". People that I thought cared had disappered when DJ was diagniosed. I really didn't want to get hurt anymore.

Still, God kept knocking.......
..........glad I opened the door!

I was given the opportunity to learn about this special little girl and her mom over the course of the next few days.

Pam's daughter
, Makenzie, choked on a Goldfish cracker at eighteen months old. She suffered an anoixic brain injury. In less than five minutes time, this walking, talking, neurotypical little girl would be forever changed. Still, my best friend is not bitter. She has hope, and faith that literally could move mountains.

I have had the privlidge to watch "Kenzie" come back to our world over the last two years. I have seen God's healing power transform her into a happy, giggly, irrestiable little girl. It has been amazing for me to see His mighty power provide resources, and specialized therapy for this family.

The biggest blessing for me has been our friendship. I have someone in my life that understands my hurt and pain. Pam knows the day in and day out work it takes to raise a diabled child. She is my biggest supporter and is quick to comfort and rescue me when I reach the breaking point. She convinces me that it is ok to step out of my comfort zone........... You see, she is responsible for me joining Facebook and starting a blog!!

I am so glad that I opened the door when I really didn't want to...........what is God asking you to do? If we listen and obey, He will reward us with amazing blessings.......we just have to open the door!

To learn more about Pam and Makenzie follow this link to her blog and website: