Friday, January 1, 2010

What is Your Breaking Point?

Lately, I have been bombarded by a plethora of too much stuff to do........

Hubby got a new hip, so I have had the privilege of convalescing him. Then, there is always DJ's diet, supplements, animal chores, and finally.....Christmas! Throw 4-H meetings on top of that plus medical trips to Phoenix, and I just wanted to find a large hole to climb into.

The breaking point came yesterday. It wasn't anything huge...........just a painful part of raising small animals. One of Kelise's prize Coronet show boars, Preston, got a mystery respiratory infection and died. No warning........healthy pig one day, dead pig the next. This of course, just happened to be a pig I had gotten rather attached to. Whether it was my exhaustion, or just emotional release, I cried for quite some time. I honestly can't remember getting so upset about a cavy in years. I don't think it was just the cavy though.......

The point is that we all have a breaking point. Mine just happened to be over a cavy. The pressure and stress that had been building up in my life spilled over because I just couldn't handle one more thing. The release was amazing and let my family know I had actually had it! They woke up and took notice. I probably should have found a healthier way to manage the stress but, in the midst of all the chaos I forgot to communicate.

What is your breaking point?? How close are you to reaching it? Slow down in the new year and take stock of what is really important to you. I let things get away from me and ended up in emotional upheaval. I figured I had control of my insanity so, I pushed forward to the point of having a mini-breakdown. God reminded me once again that I can't survive without help. We all need to ask for help before things get out of hand.......remember, no person exists in a vacuum and everyone, even me, needs help from time to time!

I do feel better today. I am blessed to have a tolerant and loving family. However, I still hurt and miss Mr. Preston. :( God never promised a pain free life but that's a topic for another day!